Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Meshes of the Afternoon

Meshes of the afternoon is a short experimental film directed by wife and husband, Maya Deren and Alexander Hammid. This short clip was shown to us in our seminar, even though it has a circular narrative with repetitive symbolic images this clip stood out for me. The film contains various recurring images including a key, a knife and a scary looking figure which is hooded and uses a mirror as its face.

The use of circular narrative and the attention plus repetitiveness of certain props inspired us into using this technique for our project. Meshes of the afternoon also uses multiple repetitiveness of the same character and as a group we agreed we wanted to interpret this.

Overall we agreed that this film is a massive influence to use for our project. It helped us develop our ideas and even experiment interpreting some of the ideas in Meshes of the Afternoon.

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