Monday, 13 February 2012

Idea Processing

As a group we decided to meet up and discuss our ideas in full. We all had an input and decided on an idea which would be experimental, innovative and contain all of our work and ideas.

After all the planning we came up with a concept for our film, it is a little confusing but i'll explain it best I can. Our film will not contain a storyline. The main character who is going to be walking around is represented as the 'ego' - the consience, ordered, raional and stable moral part of the mind. The character who will be reflected in the mirror(s) represents the ID, or the unconcious mind.. the unstable, dreamy part of the character's brain. The mirror also represents the ID.The camera itself (the camera on-screen) synbolises the character's consience.. be consience of being watched. In our film we wanted to explore how mirrors can represent different parts of a character's mind, ego, consience etc.. for example being afraid or paranoid of being watched, exploring voyeurism. By layering a variety of shots over the top of one-another I feel we managed to convey a message that these 'different' people all link together in one-way or another. For example the person looking through the lense of the camera, and the same person on the other end being 'watched'. Whilst the same person is looking into a mirror, perhaps seeing his alter-ego, the side of him in-which is paranoid or psychologically unstable.. The shot that features the main character forcing a shovel into the ground is meant to represent 'normality' or 'anger'. An activity that is percieved as a 'normal' thing anyone could do, contrary to someone sitting in front of a mirror looking back at themselves.
Other shots that feature mirrors in the background are there to obscure normality/convey a message that the character is being 'watched'. The soundtrack we used feels well-suited for the piece we created, by syncing the visuals on-screen to the beats/notes in the music, we set ourselves a rythm that feels fluid yet obscure.For example in the cereal scene, the soundtrack dips/changes in tempo when the cereal is being eaten, perhaps portraying a message to the audience that by eating the cereal, something has changed or is about to happen, the whole point of this scene was to think of something that you would rarely see or even think of in the real world, creating something obscure.

In our final shot we hopefully want to symbolise ID (the unconcious mind) taking over the ego (the rational, realistic, ordered part of the mind).. we want to cleverly take the character 'out of the mirror' and showing him taking over the ID, this will result in a smashed mirror. Another way of interpreting the scene is that the character will attempt to overcome his paranoia of being watched, by smashing the mirror that features the camera (symbolosing being watched/vouyerism).

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