Sunday, 5 February 2012

The Grey

2012 is the year the film, 'The Grey' directed by Joe Carnahan was released. At first I did not take any notice of this film as honestly, 'The Grey' does not sound very exciting. However, I saw the poster for this film and immediately knew that the Liam Neeson was casted in it (and recently most films he has starred in have been very good), but the poster was so ambiguous. The poster gave no evidence of what the film was about or who else starred in it. This ambiguity encouraged me to go home and do a little bit of research on this film without given too much of the plot away and now I want to go and see this film!
I think the lack of information on the poster, and the hardened look of Liam Neeson will have (probably) inspired most people to go and find out what this film is about.
Lack of information and ambiguity on a poster does creates more of an audience and I think this is the reason why the director had the poster designed this way, a ploy I may use in the future, hopefully.

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