Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Rough Script

Rough Script

(Plastic put down, muffled footsteps)

Baby: "There was a mummy and a daddy".

Mum: "Bill...I'm Pregnant"

Baby: "Said mummy"

Daddy: "Bloodyhell"

Baby: "Said Daddy"


"Daddy didnt say anything else, he went to sleep"

Baby: "Everyone seemed excited , Auntie Maude, Uncle Dave, Grandma Maude, Grandpa Dave (Voiceovers congratulating)....and even Snoop Dogg!" (Dog Bark)

Baby: "But mummys belly wasnt happy" (sick noises)

Baby: "It must be all that Jelly she is eating" (Jelly noises)

Baby: "..or all the exercise...which isnt very comfortable (jiggling noises)-(30 secs)

Baby: "That soon slowed down and mummy was getting big!, she spent alot of time watching TV, and I learnt lots about the world"(news sequence)

Baby: "But i'm middle class apparently so im okay"

Mum: "I think Henry"

Dad: "No"

Mum: "George?"

Dad: "No"

Mum: "William"

Dad: "No"

Baby: "I did say middle class didnt I?"

Dad: "How about...Dave?"

Baby: "Oh no"

Mum: "Dave it is."

Baby: "Grrrr" (Kicks)

Mum: "Bill he's kicking"

(Kicking Noises)

Dad: "I think he likes Dave."

Baby: "No!"

(Kicking louder)

Mum: "Bill, I feel a bit strange"

(waters breaking)

Dad: "Bloody Hell"

(Thud...ambulance siren)

(Screams continuous)

Baby: "Dave?, Dave!....Not Dave..Mum (kicks) are you listening? (screams) you'd better stop this now! listen? Not Dave!"

Mum: "Make it stop!"

Baby: "No" (kicks)

Mum: "Argh! (screams)

Ambulance Driver: "Just take it easy Mrs Scott, what you gonna call him?"

Mum: "Dave, he's going to be called Dave"

Ambulance Driver: "Thats funny you know, I'm a Dave too"

Baby: "You would be"

(Bed movement, Hospital noises)

Dad: "Deep breathes Amy"

Mum: "Shut up Bill"

Baby: "Yeah Bill..hang on, whats happening

Ambulance: "Here he is last push"

Baby: "I'm not read-d-d-d-d" (Drum Roll)

(Squish/pop) (static/fade out) (Silence)

Dad: "Hello Dave"

(Baby Crying)


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