Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Editing Screenshots

When we began to edit our audio we put it in order and Edited what parts we didn't need and needed.

On this slide it shows the effects we were adding. It also gives us a clear understanding as to what numbers each effect was so we can add them to each track.

This slide shows the amplitude on the track being too high. To solve this we clicked on the Amplitude tab and manually corrected this. We had to do this with every track so they were not peaking.

On this slide it shows the layering of tracks. It also shows single tracks put in to signify a certain event in the project. Editing this project has been exciting and very experimental, It has helped me gain knowledge on Sound Track Pro.

Sense of Space- Photos

Here I am recording the Intro for our project using the Samson CO1U USB studio condenser microphone.

Here Dan is using the microphone to record the splatter of water on the floor using a cut in half bottle.

In this picture I am recording the movement of water using a Hydro-mic. I used it at the top of the bath to see if the mic could/would pick up different sounds.

In this picture me and Dan recorded the 'swishing' sound. Dan recorded the sound whilst I made the movement of the water.


We created a list of the sounds we want to use for our project.

Sound Effects needed.

Sperm race (swishing frenzied).

Race Jumps.

Sperm, Less swishing


Ping (Victory)

3 minute water throughout.

Muffled music through a solid item.

Bed movement.

Food consumption.

Tv noises.

Hospital Noises.

Baby Crying.

Baby kicking.

Gushing noises.

Drum roll and pop.

Hospital Bleeping.

Bottle squirt.

Muffled plastic being put down.

Sick noises.


Whilst we were editing we thought we would keep a record of all the effects we added. We wanted the 'Mother', 'Father' and the family members voices muffled to get the out of womb effect. With the sounds we collected we put them in order and either looped or lowered the Amplitude on them.

We used a mircophone that Dan brought along which was a big help to us as it was able to block out background noise.

Timetable Dates.

We constructed a timetable that we are adamant to stick to. Each of these days we are free to develop on our project. This will help us organise our time.

Timetable (December)

Thursday (1st) Tuesday (6th) Wednesday (7th) Monday (12th)

.Thursday 1st- Record Vocals for intro to project.
.Tuesday 6th- Create Script and develop on sound ideas.
.Wednesday 7th- Record sounds, edit sounds, and put together sounds on timeline with recorded vocals.
. Monday 12th- Ensure project is together, all sounds are correct. Develop on presentation.


This is an estimated timeline for our project, we wrote down the times of each track and if they would fit into three minutes.

Rough Script

Rough Script

(Plastic put down, muffled footsteps)

Baby: "There was a mummy and a daddy".

Mum: "Bill...I'm Pregnant"

Baby: "Said mummy"

Daddy: "Bloodyhell"

Baby: "Said Daddy"


"Daddy didnt say anything else, he went to sleep"

Baby: "Everyone seemed excited , Auntie Maude, Uncle Dave, Grandma Maude, Grandpa Dave (Voiceovers congratulating)....and even Snoop Dogg!" (Dog Bark)

Baby: "But mummys belly wasnt happy" (sick noises)

Baby: "It must be all that Jelly she is eating" (Jelly noises)

Baby: "..or all the exercise...which isnt very comfortable (jiggling noises)-(30 secs)

Baby: "That soon slowed down and mummy was getting big!, she spent alot of time watching TV, and I learnt lots about the world"(news sequence)

Baby: "But i'm middle class apparently so im okay"

Mum: "I think Henry"

Dad: "No"

Mum: "George?"

Dad: "No"

Mum: "William"

Dad: "No"

Baby: "I did say middle class didnt I?"

Dad: "How about...Dave?"

Baby: "Oh no"

Mum: "Dave it is."

Baby: "Grrrr" (Kicks)

Mum: "Bill he's kicking"

(Kicking Noises)

Dad: "I think he likes Dave."

Baby: "No!"

(Kicking louder)

Mum: "Bill, I feel a bit strange"

(waters breaking)

Dad: "Bloody Hell"

(Thud...ambulance siren)

(Screams continuous)

Baby: "Dave?, Dave!....Not Dave..Mum (kicks) are you listening? (screams) you'd better stop this now! listen? Not Dave!"

Mum: "Make it stop!"

Baby: "No" (kicks)

Mum: "Argh! (screams)

Ambulance Driver: "Just take it easy Mrs Scott, what you gonna call him?"

Mum: "Dave, he's going to be called Dave"

Ambulance Driver: "Thats funny you know, I'm a Dave too"

Baby: "You would be"

(Bed movement, Hospital noises)

Dad: "Deep breathes Amy"

Mum: "Shut up Bill"

Baby: "Yeah Bill..hang on, whats happening

Ambulance: "Here he is last push"

Baby: "I'm not read-d-d-d-d" (Drum Roll)

(Squish/pop) (static/fade out) (Silence)

Dad: "Hello Dave"

(Baby Crying)



I stumbled upon a website explaining the various Microphones that are about and which ones are used for what purpose. Not having much knowledge on microphones this website gave me a taster and introduction on what can be used to capture perfect sounds.

Introduction...Sperm Race.

For the introduction for our film we wanted to include a commentary for the conception of the baby. This Intro will involve swishing sounds (sperm racing) which are interpreted to sound like horse hooves.

We start off today with a new one from William Scott and Amy Scott and it’s called “Makin’ love…”(BED NOISES)

Hello and welcome to wetter than usual day here, for the William Bill sperm stakes coming out of A-Scott, THEY’VE JUMPED THE START…. AND THEY’RE OFF!!!...


Messy start there for some, but it appears 20 million male sperm, 10 million female sperm and a hermaphrodite got away with a clean break, coming up to the cervix now and male sperm 36985 seems to have taken an early lead, closely followed by female sperm 11, AND WE’VE LOST HERMAPHRODITE!, A FALLER AT THE CERVIX, it seemed he/she didn’t know which way it was going!

Lots of fallers there infact and we appear to be left with around 700,000 in the race. Male sperm 36985 still pulls away upfront heading towards the uterus a giant swish there to go clear of female 11 WHO FALLS!!! And she’s taken more than 90% of the field with her, male 118 avoids that wreckage like the experienced semen he is to take second place and close in on the lead.

A test of skill now as we come to the fallopian tube, and Male sperm 118 squeezes out 36985 allowing female 11 leg room to take the lead… NOW THERE APPEARS TO BE 3 LEFT IN THE RACE! A female sperm, male sperm, and tracking them both, A POTENTIAL TWIN SPERM!

Twin sperm takes the lead, followed by female, male and the rest didn’t make it, twin sperm and female sperm are level head-to-head BUT MALE SPERM NOW! MALE SPER< COM ES THROUGH THE MIDDLE TO TAKE UP THE LEAD, FEMALE SPERM FOLLOWS, AND TWIN SPERM IS TAILED OFF… THEY BOTH KNOW THE END IS IN SIGHT AND HIT THE OVUM!! MALE SPERM, FEMALE SPERM This race will be won and lost on the wriggle now…..


This commentary is full of puns and will be the main humorous part of our project. We look to record this narration with the sounds and for it to last about 1'10seconds.

Initial Storyline

Once the Womb idead became solid we constructed a small storyline of what we want to include in the 3minutes.

This is the rough storyline of what we want to include;

1. Big introduction for a big reaction (the sounds of conception) leading into immediate character involvement in the form of…

2. The sperm race (narrated as though commentating a horse/sprint race) fast paced water / swimming sound effects with declaration of a winner being….

3. Character introduction for the listener with background effects of - (discovery of pregnancy, congratulations, morning sickness)

4. Continual narration and opinion through activities such as feeding / being fussed over / educated via music, exercise (going for a walk)

5. Sound of hospital visits, easing of movement by mother e.g. watching tv etc. which then sets into boredom of the baby resulting in impatience…

6. Kicking and complaining from the foetus’ inner voice causing the mother to believe the time is ready…

7. Waters bursting / rushing to hospitals / confusion of the baby’s character / the sounds of childbirth (screaming , encouragement etc.) and then to finish the piece, the birth and the end of internal voice narration from the baby, replaced with a cry in a now un-muffled outside world.

We wanted to make sure every second of the 3 minutes is filled with activity, via the atmospheric sounds, the narration, sound effects of a mixture of twos and the three between them. We will get on-board people to play the characters such as the mother, grandmother, friends etc. and we will also contribute largely as the voice of the foetus and other characters e.g. father.

Friday, 9 December 2011

Project Idea 2

For our second Project Idea, we wanted to create an atmosphere effect of a foetus in a womb. We wanted to add humour to this piece by using commentary from the baby such as, the disgust of what his mother is eating, the embarrassment of his fussy family and how un-comfortable he is within his mother.
We also thought about adding a 'horse racing' commentary for the conceiving of the child, with the sounds of the sperm swimming together. With this project we can experiment with the various microphones to achieve our requested affects, such as the Hydro Microphone and Directional Mic.
We will also be able to experiment with various sounds to try and mirror a baby in a womb.