Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Liverpool, Day 2

On the day of the filming we started to do some research into permission to film on the dock. The Headquarters of the Dock advised us to get in contact with the film institute of Liverpool as they were the ones who allowed film/documentary makers to film within the city. We successfully got in contact with the film institute and stressfully we walked to the film institute building (capitol). (Learning curb, always do the research a week in advance). Luckly, after 45mins of signing paperwork, the film institute allowed us to use our cameras within the city but they did not say if we were allowed to film within the docks, this was down to the Headquarters of the docks ( who never got in contact). We daringly decided to film in the docks and if asked to move on we would do straight away. Luck was on our side as the docks were quiet. Also, the life boat was neatly parked in the jetty and the weather was mild and sunny.

11:00, 7/3/2012-John (owner of the lifeboat) meet us at 11:00. Quite the gentleman he suprisingly said he would give us pictures and archive footage of the boat, he was also very keen to perform an interview as he knew lots about the boat and was greatful we wanted to do a documentary on it.
With his permission he allowed us to construct the interview on his boat! ( I was very happy at this point) a team we set up the scene. We then moved around the boat filming close ups, long shots, pans, tilts and still shots.
After three hours of this we decide to pack up and thank John for all his help.

Overall I was very happy with how the day went. We worked proffesionally as a team with the construction of our set and we implemented our roles sucessfully. I was very pleased that John allowed us to film on his boat and he was very patient with our demands. In doing this project and set up it has positively opened my eyes. I have enjoyed visiting Liverpool and I enjoyed the topic we based our documentary on.

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