Friday, 7 October 2011

Book Inspiration

Having read Desperation for the second time I have to say it's possibly my all time favourite book!

Desperation is wrote by the legendary Stephen King which is set in the desolate Nervada desert.

Lone travellers are abducted by a mysterious policeman who claims to help them, but instead takes them to the town of desperation which is eerily quiet. A couple of chapters later we are told what has happened to this once bussilng, ex-mining town.

Several of the innocent hostages soon escape and they realise all is not right with the manic policeman who has started to decay externally and internally, but defiantly still stands strong. We soon then realise that the 'entity' in the policeman is able to inpersonate certain members of the hostages which leads to speculations, betrayals and confusion in the group, who are intent on escaping Desperation.

This book holds alot of inspiration for me, the storyline is able to keep me immersed in the book,also, Stephen King has a certain way of getting me involved in the characters lifes. He descibes the characters perfectly so we are able identify who they are with their appearance and personality.

I enjoy stories that involve a band of survivors who have to work together to escape/survive an evil entity of any kind trying to hunt them down one by one, with this storyline we get to know an array of characters and are able to identify each character and their traits, which i find interesting. The book splits into different chapters and each chapter gives us an insight into each characters life and perception on their harrowing events in Desperation.

One day I would hopefully like to create this book into a film using my own inspiration for audiences to see.

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